5. Command Manual Page (man page)
With the power of the man page command, we can see what parameters a command accepts and how to use each parameter corresponding to the command. In this way, we are more efficient when using commands.
Page Sections
Given the wide variety of commands, man solves the problem of command classification through section numbering.
1. User Commands
Section (1) is used to categorise user commands.
Such as the date command we used earlier:

man date result
2. System Calls
Section (2) is used to categorise system call functions in the libraries provided by the Linux kernel.

epoll_create function provided by Linux kernel
3. Library Functions
Section (3) is used to classify C language standard library functions.

printf function provided by standard C library
4. Devices
Section (4) is used to categorise devices in the /dev directory for Linux systems.

"zero", a special file located in /dev directory
5. Files
Section (5) is used to categorise the description of the Linux file format and covers the /proc file system.

/etc/os-release contains the current Linux's distribution info
6. Games
Section (6) has not been used yet, so there is no appropriate example to illustrate.

haven't seen the command related to this section yet
7. Overviews, Conventions, and Miscellaneous
Section (7) classifies some other conventional content.

Network API for C language
8. Superuser and System Administration Commands
Section (8) categorises commands used by superusers and administrators, and this section also contains a small number of GNU C language libraries.

Logical Volume Manager tools creates virtual block devices based on physical devices
SYNOPSIS - Options & Arguments Syntax
Angle brackets(<>) means the option or argument in the brackets is required when using the related command.
Square brackets([]) means the option or argument in the brackets is an option when using the related command.
Ellipsis(…) means the option or argument can exist multiple times when using the related command, such as same_option1 same_option2 and so on.
A pipe(|) means when using the related command, we must use one of the options or arguments listed around it, for example, option1|option2.
Curly brackets({}) means the available arguments of an option when using the related command, for example, {param1,param2,param3}.
Page Layout
The layout of man is to segment information of command in pure text.
The name of the command and a brief introduction.
The usage syntax of the command is usually described here.
The description usually describes what the command does, including the application scenario of the command. In general, command authors often describe commands very clearly and efficiently to avoid excessive and unnecessary inquiries.
Available options for this command, which are typically listed in the synopsis.
The files associated with this command, most of which are configuration files.
Known problems and vulnerabilities.
Common usage examples.
Command’s author(s).
Command’s copyright information.
Other commands or functions associated with the command.
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Backward Flipping - Line
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Forward Flipping - Page
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Forward Flipping - Line
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Page Searching
Press n key to find next one. Press N key to find previous one.
Search Backward
We can use /WORD to search backward.
Search Forward
We can use ?WORD to search forward.
Exit Page
We can press the q key to go back from man page to the interactive command line
References The Linux man-pages project, Linux man pages online, Man Page, Creating Your Own MAN Page Version 1.0
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Author Dong Chen
LastMod Wed Feb 6 2019