7. Types of Commands
Type is a command to view command types. We can look at what types this command can see with the help of the help command:

there are five types
Alias is a shortcut to commands, such as ll is a simplified version of ls-alF:

the simplified version of ls -alF
Shell has some reserved keywords, while is one of them:

these are system defined functions
We can use the declare -F command to get the defined functions.

it is a shell reversed keyword
From the results of the command execution above, we know that quote is a function:

it is a shell reversed keyword
We can also use declare’s synonym to get the function, which is typeset:

these are system defined functions
The declare command we use is built into Bash:

it is a bash shell builtin command
Some of the commonly used file type commands are mkdir, cp, mv, touch, rm:

commonly used file type commands
We can append the -t parameter behind the type command to get the commands types:

list types by appending the -t parameter
References Type Manual, Alias Command Shell Reserved Words, Shell Functions, Shell Builtin Commands, File Command
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Author Dong Chen
LastMod Fri Feb 8 2019