31. Bash Shell - Expansions: Command, Arithmetic, Process Substitution
Linux provides us with some expansions for command, arithmetic, addition and subtraction, comparison, ternary, assignment, and process substitution operations.
We can execute the output as a command by using the $() or `` symbols.
Let’s use the $() symbols to do this first:

Alternatively, we can use backtick symbols to achieve the same effect:

We can use arithmetic expansion to quickly calculate numerical values.
Some of the operators we can use are:
Operator | Meaning |
VARIABLE++ VARIABLE‑‑ | self increasing or deceasing after the variable is obtained |
++VARIABLE ‑‑VARIABLE | self increasing or deceasing before the variable is obtained |
- + | negative or positive number |
! ~ | logical or bitwise negation |
** | exponentiation |
* / % | multiplication, division, remainder |
+ - | addition, subtraction |
<= >= < > | less than equals, greater than equals, less than, greater than |
== != | equal or not equal |
expr ? expr : expr | ternary operator |
= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= | assign the operation result to a variable |
Addition and Subtraction

Prints addition and subtraction results

Prints comparison results
Ternary Operator
Positive and negative numbers are true, only zero is false

Prints true or false of the ternary operation result
Assignment Operator

Prints assignment operation results
Process Substitution
We can use the <() symbols to use the result of the command output as a file:

Treat ls results as a file and print it with cat and tac commands
References 3.5.4 Command Substitution, 3.5.5 Arithmetic Expansion, 6.5 Shell Arithmetic, 3.5.6 Process Substitution
Author Dong Chen
LastMod Mon Mar 4 2019