33. Output Format - Prints Formatted Results
Linux provides a printf command through which we can format what we want to output.
New line

Prints a new line
Double quote

Prints a double quote

Prints a backslash
Alert bell

Echos a bell sound

Backspace a character

Backspace a character
Form Feed

Before switching to a new screen page

After switching to a new screen page
Carriage Return

Presses the enter key
Horizontal Tab

Prints a horizontal tab
Vertical Tab

Prints a vertical tab
Octal Value

Prints octal values
Hexadecimal Value

Prints hexadecimal values
Unicode Character
Four Digits

Prints four digits unicode characters
Eight Digits

Prints eight digits unicode characters
References PRINTF(1), PRINTF(3), 15.2 printf: Format and print data
Author Dong Chen
LastMod Wed Mar 6 2019