34. System Context - Time
Linux provides commands that allow you to view system’s time information, and with these commands, you can quickly get the time related information.
System Time
We can use the date command to get or set the time of the system:

Outputs system's datetime
We can use the TZ variable to specify the time zone where our server is located:

Changes timezone to Pacific Auckland
Time in Difference Timezone
Shows the time in Shanghai when a Auckland clock shows 8:07 on March 07, 2019:

Changes timezone to China Shanghai and shows the corresponding time in Shanghai
Hour - 24-hour format

Outputs current hour in 24 hours format
Hour - 24-hour space padded format

Outputs current hour in 24 hours space padded format
Hour - 12-hour format

Outputs current hour in 12 hours format
Hour - 12-hour space padded format

Outputs current hour in 12 hours space padded format

Outputs current minutes

Outputs current seconds

Outputs current nanoseconds
Seconds Since Epoch (Timestamp)

Outputs current timestamp
Time - 24-hour format (Hour:Minute:Second)

Outputs hour, minute, second in 24-hour time
Time - 24-hour format (Hour:Minute)

Outputs hour, minute in 24-hour time
Locale Time - 24-hour Clock Time

Outputs 24-hour clock time
Locale Time - 12-hour Clock Time

Outputs 12-hour clock time
AM or PM - Uppercase

Outputs a.m. or p.m. in uppercase
AM or PM - Lowercase

Outputs a.m. or p.m. in lowercase
Timezone - Four Digits

Outputs four digits timezone
Timezone - Nearest Minute

Outputs timezone in nearest minute
Timezone - Nearest Second

Outputs timezone in nearest second
Timezone - Minimum Necessary Precision

Outputs the minimum necessary part of the timezone
Timezone - Alphabetic Abbreviation

Outputs the timezone in alphabetic abbreviation
References 21 System context, 21.1 date: Print or set system date and time, TWiki.org Service: Date and Time Gateway, 29.10 Specifying time zone rules
Author Dong Chen
LastMod Thu Mar 7 2019