50. File Permissions - Filesystem Access Control List
Although the chmod command is powerful enough, it cannot assign permissions more finely, so Linux provides some flexible commands to specify permissions for a particular user or group. Starting from Linux kernel 2.6, we can allocate more granular permissions to users or groups.
Before We Start
Before we begin, we make sure that the system we are using is based on a 2.6 or later kernel:

The system we are using is based on the kernel 3.10, so we can use the acl commands
Get File ACL
We can use the getfacl command to get an access control list for a file.
Here are some options for getfacl command:
Option | Meaning |
-a or ‑‑access | Output all ACLs. |
-d or ‑‑default | Output default ACLs. |
-c or ‑‑omit-header | Output ACLs without the comment header. |
-e or ‑‑all-effective | Output all effective right comments. |
-E or ‑‑no-effective | Output non effective right comments. |
-s or ‑‑skip-base | Skip all files or directories’ ACLs that only contain basic ACL entries. |
-R or ‑‑recursive | Output all the files and directories’ ACLs recursively. |
-L or ‑‑logical | Output all the files, directories and symbolic links’ ACLs recursively, so must be using with -R. |
-P or ‑‑physical | Output all the files and directories’ ACLs recursively except the symbolic links’, so must be using with -R. |
-t or ‑‑tabular | Output the file or directory’s ACL in tabular format. |
-p or ‑‑absolute-names | Keep the leading slash(/) of a path. |
-n or ‑‑numeric | Output the owner and group IDs instead of the names. |
By default, the getfacl command outputs the access control list and the default access control list:

Output access control list information for the newly created file
File Access Control List
With the -a or ‑‑access parameter, we can view the file’s access control list:

Output the file's access control list
File Default Access Control List
With the -d or ‑‑default parameter, we can view the file’s default access control list:

Output the file's default access control list
Ignore the Comment Header
With the -c or ‑‑omit-header parameter, we can view the file’s access control list without the comment header:

Output the file's access control list without the comment header
All Effective Rights Comments
With the -e or ‑‑all-effective parameter, we can view the file’s all effective rights comments:

Output the file's all effective comments
No Effective Rights Comments
With the -E or ‑‑no-effective parameter, we can view the file’s non effective rights comments:

Output the file's non effective comments
Skip Base ACL Entries
With the -s or ‑‑skip-base parameter, we can skip the file that only has base ACL entries (owner, group, others):

Skip the file that only has the base ACL entries
All Files and Directories ACLs
We prepare a directory and two files before we begin:

Prepare one directory and two files
With the -R or ‑‑recursive parameter, we can view all the files and directories’ access control lists:

View all the files and directories' access control lists
Symbolic Links in Recursion
We prepare a symbolic link:

Prepare one symbolic link
With the -L or ‑‑logical parameter plus the -R or ‑‑recursive parameter, we can view all the files, directories and symbolic links’ access control lists:

View all the files, directories and symbolic links' access control lists
No Symbolic Links in Recursion
With the -P or ‑‑physical parameter plus the -R or ‑‑recursive parameter, we can view all the files and directories’ access control lists but not symbolic links’:

View all the files and directories' access control lists but not symbolic links'
Tabular Format
With the -t or ‑‑tabular parameter, we can view the file or directory’s access control lists side by side:

View the directory's access control lists side by side
Plus the -R or ‑‑recursive parameter, we can view all the files and directories’ access control lists side by side:

View all the files and directories' access control lists side by side
Keep the Leading slash (/)
With the -p or ‑‑absolute-names parameter, we can view the file or directory’s access control lists and keep the leading slash:

View the directory's access control lists and keep the leading slash
User and Group IDs
With the -n or ‑‑numeric parameter, we can view the file or directory’s access control lists and its owner and group’s IDs instead of the names:

View the directory's access control lists and its owner and group's IDs
Set and Remove File ACL
We can use the getfacl command to configure the access control list for a file.
Here are some options for getfacl command:
Option | Meaning |
‑‑set or ‑‑set-file | Replace an existing ACL of a file or directory with the specified ACL. |
-m or ‑‑modify or -M ‑‑modify-file | Change the ACL of a file or directory. Can’t be use with -x. |
-x or ‑‑remove or -X or ‑‑remove-file | Delete the ACL of a file or directory. Can’t be use with -m |
-b or ‑‑remove-all | Delete extended ACL entries. Keep the base ACL entries of the owner, group and others. |
-k or ‑‑remove-default | Delete the default ACL. If there is no default ACL, then nothing happens. |
-n or ‑‑no-mask | Will not recalculate the effective rights mask. Set mask entry to the union of all permissions of the owning group, and all named user and group entries. |
‑‑mask | Will not recalculate the effective rights mask, even explicitly gives an ACL mask entry. |
-d or ‑‑default | Apply operations to the default ACL. Promotes regular ACL entries in the input set to default ACL entries. discards default ACL entries in the input set. |
‑‑restore=file | Must be using individually or with ‑‑test |
‑‑test | Will not change anything, just list the resulted ACLs. |
-R or ‑‑recursive | Recursively apply operations to all files and directories. Can’t be used with ‑‑restore. |
-L or ‑‑logical | Include symbolic link arguments, but ignore symbolic links encountered in subdirectories. Only used with -R. |
-P or ‑‑physical | Exclude symbolic link arguments. Only used with -R. |
Set Permissions
With the -m option followed by the {(u|user)|(g|group)|(m|mask)|(o|other)}:{user|group}:{(r|4)|(w|2)|(x|1)} format, we can change a user’s permissions on the file.
Set Permission for a User
With the -m option followed by the (u|user):username:{(r|4)|(w|2)|(x|1)} format, we can change a user’s permissions on the file:

View the directory's access control lists before and after the creation and permission allocation of the user acl_user
Set Permission for a Group

View the directory's access control lists before and after the creation and permission allocation of the group acl_group
Set Other Permission

View the directory's access control lists before and after the permission allocation of others
Set Mask Permission

View the directory's access control lists before and after the permission allocation of the mask
Clone ACL Between Files and Directories

View the directory's access control lists before and after the colonization of ACLs from another directory
Set Default Permissions

View the directory's access control lists before and after the permission allocation of user acl_user's default
Remove Extended ACLs
Remove a Specific User or Group ACL
We can remove the acl of a user or group by replacing the -m parameter with the -x parameter:

View the directory's access control lists before and after the removing of the group acl_group's ACL
Remove All ACLs

View the directory's access control lists before and after the removing of all the ACLs
References POSIX ACLs in Linux GETFACL(1), SETFACL(1)
Author Dong Chen
LastMod Fri Mar 22 2019